"Insanity – doing the same thing, again and again, and expecting different results"
Albert Einstein
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change."
Stephen Hawking

Illumination Methods - Thinking

Thinking is a skill. If practiced by open-minded individuals, they can improve their skills and simply get better results.

The diagram below represents what we consider 4 useful stages of thinking to include. The 3rd stage of the process is Illumination and whilst this is where we concentrate our activity our training and skills development focuses on all end to end areas.



Where are we? What do we think we know now?


What improvements are possible by letting our brain have some space?


Where do we want to get to? What are the really important goals that we need to now concentrate on?


How are we going to get there? What do we need to do to stay on course to reap the rewards of our new improved thinking and approaches?

At this stage thinking is focused on familiarisation with the subject / topic / problem / challenge / area of improvement. It is an opportunity to consolidate the foundations through education, research and review activities. We also need to make sure we have a self-awareness of our habitual thinking.

This key stage is where we process our thoughts from preparation and allow ourselves to digest and absorb our preparatory thinking. We can allow our awareness to be fragmented and we have an opportunity to distance ourselves from the task.

In the Illumination stage of the thinking process we focus eventually on envisioning specific goals. Before we get to this point we will preserve a sense of open mindedness and self discipline and allow ourselves an opportunity to utilise our imagination and intellect

In this final stage we move into implementation and delivery of the goals. We have come through a process which has allowed us to prepare and incubate our ideas or challenges and through the Illumination process move forward to 'making it happen'


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