"Insanity – doing the same thing, again and again, and expecting different results"
Albert Einstein
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change."
Stephen Hawking

Illumination Methods - Performance

Performance is a skill. If practiced by open-minded individuals, they can improve their skills and get better results. A great idea is no more than this, if you do not have the ability to communicate it and get people to understand it, input to it constructively, develop it... and love it ! Depth of thought is essential to developing sustainable ideas, but it is not enough on its own.

How you sell yourselves, your ideas, your organisation and how you implement and get things done is critical. Putting the thinking into practice requires many different skills depending upon your situation and role or the situations and roles of your teams. Much of the world’s organisation to organisation interaction today is dominated by ‘meetings’. Powerpoint, Keynote, Flip charts, Wipe boards are today’s long established costume, weapons and armour. But there is a serious risk for many individuals and organisations that they just become ‘alike’ - in their thinking, presentation and performance. This can lead to inevitable discussion based on price rather than value.


The Power of Performance

The Illumination Station will provide you with the opportunity to power up your quality thinking into Practised Performance. We use a range of skills suited to your particular world of engagement from Large Organisation to Organisation interactions to 121 with individuals in your team or with your suppliers or clients.  Our original and proprietary practices draw upon a wide range of techniques we have developed from direct experience in 

- Theatre (acting, directing, staging skills), 

- Arts (creation through multiple media, developing your own style,) 

- Sports (competitive strategy and team cohesiveness)

- Meditation (power of concentration and mindful meditation) as well as 

- Business and Service (organisational management thinking)

Our goal is to provide you with access to a range of skills that you can practice in a safe but inspiring environment. We look to break out of the conventional classroom learning environments and utilise places, which will enable you or your teams to learn better through changing their perception. For example we can run personal performance improvement training under the stage lights of a real theatre. Register online and provide your details and we can provide you with some materials highlighting some areas of support we can help with.

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